Characters are the backbone of any good story, and my novels are no different. Following are the major characters of my first novel, Heartkeeper: Volume One.
Flikk: Flikk is a young thief, and isn't anything extraordinary. At least, he's not at the beginning of the story. Throughout the story, he changes, prompted by his contact with the Heartkeeper, a term of imprisonment, the harsh realities of the world, and a few other more supernatural means. His changes (both mental and physical) comprise the main arc of the story.
Aime: Aime is a young sorceress who has been imprisoned for some undetermined reason by persons unknown. She, however, is more than she seems. I know that's a little vague and quite cliche, but I don't want to give away a major plot point.
Grith: Grith is a 200 + year old wizard, and, though he tries to do good, has an agenda all his own.
Brun: Brun is probably my favorite character in the story. He is a dwarven monk (yes, you read that right), and as such, he has many of the traditional personality quirks of dwarves. He is, however, loyal and a formidable friend.
Jonah: Jonah is an elven healer who has sacrificed everything to save his wife, Amber.
Vincent: Vincent is the King of the Tyrani Kingdom, and a powerful wizard in his own right. He and Grith have been at odds for centuries.
Milo: Milo is right up there with Grith in terms of my favorite characters. He's an amoral former ranger who earns his living as an assassin.